Yonos Maxo 25/0,5-10 - 180 Pump

Photo: Yonos Maxo 25/0,5-10 - 180 Pump

Wilo-Yonos MAXO High efficiency pump is a wet-running pump with a rotor w. permanent magnets and integrated pressure difference control. The pump is equipped with a limiting function as a protection against overload. Application: hydronic heating systems; cooling and cold water circuits; sealed industrial circulation systems; solar appliances. Control modes: variable differential pressure delta p-v, constant speed, constant pressure difference delta p-c. The pump is included in CS 2 pump stations of 5/4" size.

Code 16818
in stock
Label YONOS MAXO 25/0,5-10
Code 16818
Units pcs
Packaging box
Packaging dimensions 22 x 27 x 28 cm
Gross weight 4,98 kg


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