HSK 600 PV Thermal Store with 2 stainless-steel tube DHW heat exchangers 6+3sqm DHW heat exchangers, separating metal sheet, 650mm diam., 1935mm high in stock Detail
HSK 600 PR Thermal Store with stainless-steel tube DHW heat exchanger 2 DHW heat exch. 6+3sqm, solar HE, separating metal sheet, diam. 650mm, 1935mm high in stock Detail
HSK 750 PV Thermal Store with 2 stainless-steel tube DHW heat exchangers 6+3sqm DHW heat exchangers, separating metal sheet, 750mm diam., 1975mm high in stock Detail
HSK 750 PR Thermal Store with stainless-steel tube DHW heat exchanger 2 DHW heat exch. 6+3sqm, solar HE, separating metal sheet, diam. 750mm, 1975mm high in stock Detail
HSK 1000 PV Thermal Store with 2 stainless-steel tube DHW heat exchangers 6+3sqm DHW heat exchangers, separating metal sheet, 800mm diam., 2080mm high in stock Detail
HSK 1000 PR Thermal Store with stainless-steel tube DHW heat exchanger 2 DHW heat exch. 6+3sqm, solar HE, separating metal sheet,, diam. 800mm, 2080mm high in stock Detail
HSK 1700 PV Thermal Store with 2 stainless-steel tube DHW heat exchangers 6+3sqm DHW heat exchangers, separating metal sheet, 1100mm diam., 2075mm high in stock Detail
HSK 1700 PR Thermal Store with stainless-steel tube DHW heat exchanger 2 DHW heat exch. 6+3sqm, solar HE, separating metal sheet, diam. 1100mm, 2075mm high in stock Detail